We love our kiddos
EXIT Realty Missoula 10 years ago

My passion is my children!  Most of Missoula would agree that our children are our future.  Being part of Chief Charlo Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a rewarding way for me, and others, to give back to our children. In 2012, we raised over $30,000 to purchase the playground equipment pictured in the photo.  The kids at CCES are so excited for their new outdoor fun! And the parents are thrilled with the safety of the new equipment.  Missoula is well known for many, many non-profi...

EXIT Realty Missoula 10 years ago

"Write a blog", says the boss.  OK, what do I write about?  Hmmmm.....what on EARTH do I write about?

It came to me today as I prepare to take down the Christmas tree and put away the decorations. It's a bittersweet time, with the celebrations over for the season, and life schedules get back to "normal". 

Completing this task helps me realize just how important family and HOME really are.  As I take the special ornaments off the tree, I reflect on the memory and the person attached to each orn...
Get Outside!
EXIT Realty Missoula 11 years ago

The weather has been increasingly warmer and it's been beautiful out!  What better way to stay positive and reduce stress than getting outside and working up a sweat?  There are so many places right around Missoula to enjoy hiking, sightseeing, biking, snowshoeing.  Many of these are dog friendly!  So grab your shoes & water bottle and try out some of these popular trails!

Waterworks Trail: Dog Friendly!

Distance - The Cherry Gulch loop is 2.2. miles round trip.

Average Time of Hike - Roughly...
EXIT Realty Missoula 11 years ago

The 8th Annual Housing Report has been release for the Missoula area.  A disginguished group of Missoula business people that are in the industry spent countless hours putting together a report of current trends, information and collected feedback from the industry. 

Here is some of what is included in the report:

* Sales of bare lots has increased slightly

* The number of homes sold in Missoula increased by 22 percent. 

* Mortgage interest rates in 2012 continued downward, ending the year 3...
EXIT Realty Missoula 11 years ago

Yes, Western Montana is a horse person's heaven.  Miles of wilderness trails with views, fishing, camping, hunting, and every possible way to experience fun with your horse.

The Bitterroot Valley, as you will find out, serves as a jumping off point for the wilderness.  From the valley floor, numerous trails extend both to the east and west into designated Federal Wildernesses.  The very productive Bitterroot River flows for nearly 90 miles in a more northerly flow from the south end of the vall...
Day trip on your horse!
EXIT Realty Missoula 11 years ago

So....You are thinking of relocating to beautiful Western Montana?  You are going to want to find a place to ride!  Then, you are looking at the very best riding country anywhere!

The numerous horse trails in our area offer a variety of landscapes from open vistas to heavily treed.  From steep to fairly level trails!

For the most part, the trails on the west side of the Bitterroot Valley are quite rocky so if you have unshod horses, you may want to start on a trail on the east side of the vall...
Montana Horseman
EXIT Realty Missoula 11 years ago

Having been a Montana Horseman for well over fifty years and having ridden a great many trails throughout the state, let me say this is HORSE HEAVEN here in western Montana! No other geographic area can compare to the readily available places to ride and escape into wilderness!

The Bitterroot valley south of Missoula offers hundreds of trails awaiting you and your horse.  On the west side of the valley, there are about seventeen drainages that have a creek and a trail leading into the wilderne...
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